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George Long: Carnival Paparazzo
For close to 50 years, the popular photographer has been capturing – and been captivated by – the city’s creatives and their costumery.
-by Doug Brantley

Jim Blanchard’s Magnificent Louisiana Obsessions
Artist Jim Blanchard spills the tea about his technique, his attachment to New Orleans, and his passion for Louisiana’s architectural treasures.
– by Bethany E. Bultman

The Portraits of Curtis Knapp: A Curious Sense of Connection
This renowned international portrait photographer now lives in New Orleans, adding images of local creatives to his extraordinary body of work.
– by Bogdan Mynka

Matthew Peck: A Portrait of the Artist
As a young man, Matthew Peck visited the French Quarter on a whim…and has spent the next 30 years capturing its allure on canvas.
– by Doug Brantley

Dirty Linen Night Billows Beyond Royal Street
Now in its 21st year, the festive and funky Royal Street gallery event has grown to include shops, museums, and nearby locations in the French Quarter.
– by Kim Ranjbar

On the Origin of Jackson Square Artists: “They were a Rowdy Bunch”
A move to establish a French Quarter Bohemian colony in 1920 eventually led to the Jackson Square fence becoming one of the world’s most beloved art galleries.
– by Michael Warner

A French Quarter Studio Visit: Andrew LaMar Hopkins
As his ten-month show at the Cabildo, “Creole New Orleans, Honey!” comes to a close, the acclaimed artist announces that he’s packing up his lavishly furnished French Quarter studio and moving to Savannah.
-by Saskia Ozols

New Orleans Beaux Arts: The paintings of Gretchen Howard and Emilie Rhys
Two powerhouse artists who show their work in the French Quarter have strong connections with New Orleans culture.
— by Saskia Ozols

Frances Swigart: New Work
This classical printmaker keeps evolving, as her latest retrospective show proves.

Franco Alessandrini: Italian Master Sculptor and His New Orleans Studio
We follow Alessandrini's significant public works along the river and through the Quarter, then visit with the artist in his Howard Avenue studio.

Craig Tracy's Body of Work
The French Quarter artist ushered body painting into the realm of fine art while maintaining his artistic freedom, but there's more to come.
- by Grace Wilson

The Portraits of Emilie Rhys
The daughter of noted New Orleans painter Noel Rockmore has blazed her own creative trail, yet there's a similar and mysterious depth in the work of both artists.
- by Grace Wilson
- photos by Sophie Germern