Readers’ Circle
The Quarter is one of the world’s cultural capitals, yet it faces many pressures. Can it survive – and even thrive – as an international incubator for creatives?
We never underestimate the power of a good story.
At FQJ, we document the Quarter’s people, places, and history – all without firewalls or intrusive ads. We dig deep into its bohemian past. We highlight the new residents, artists, and businesses that are infusing fresh vitality.
And we’re building a fascinating digital archive that can be accessed the world over – a legacy that will last, come what may.
Reader donations are a critical part of our annual budgeting. If you’d to join our team so we can continue publishing more of the stories, photos, and videos you love, please join the generous readers below now.
Note: Support made through the PayPal system and can be made with your PayPal account or any credit card to French Quarter Journal by Ellis Anderson Media, LLC. Because we’re technically for-profit your support isn't tax-deductible, but we guarantee you more fascinating reads by excellent writers in return for your support.
Patrons: $250 – $500 Annually
Millie Ball & Keith Marshall
Bethany Bultman
Dennis & Brenda Carlisle
Jenny and James Cole
Jane Eshleman
Howard Glaser
Melissa Gray
Lura Harrison
Jaubert Design Studio, LLC
This is a wonderful site and happy to throw in my small support.
Enjoy French Quarter Journal so much! Thank you!
Readers’ Circle members, Patron Level
Rheta Grimsley Johnson
Aphrodite McCarthy
Julie Nelson
Mozingo Quarles, PLLC
Scott Rappold
Scott Thomas Shows
Robert Simms
John Sledge
Socializer of the Triad
Catherine Whitney
Supporters: $50 - $250 Annually
The photos alone are stunning, but the stories are great! Y’all are doing such a wonderful job!
I support FQJ so the stories of the neighborhood I hold so dear get told. It’s an invaluable resource.
Thanks for the history! FQ history is my history.
I really enjoy reading your journal. Thank you!
Readers’ Circle members, Supporter Level
Conrad Abadie
Michael Agan
Margaret Allesandrini
Henrietta Alves
ArtEgg Studios
Lauren E. Ball
Dolly Barrios
Alexander Blondeau
Jeanne Broom
Mary Broussard
Micheline Cazayoux
Angelique LaCour
Clay Creations, LLC
Philip Denman
Susan Dike
Al Dunn
Al DuVernay
Janet Even
Carolyn Fineran
Brigitte Fredy
Rachelle Gallichio
Jay Geneske
Michelle George
Michele Goldfarb
Mary Heausler
William R. Hartwell
Randy Irwin
Johnson Johnson
Robert Jones
Kate King
Ann Koerner
Robert & Cindy Krebs
Kimberly Lake
Sue Ellen Lyons
Kerry Maloney
Matthews & Warriner, LLC
Linda Mauskopf
Virginia Merritt
Allen Miller
Jeffrey Morgan
Kathryn Morgan
Owen Murphy Photography
Nancy Potter
Evelyn Rodos
Alexander Roman
Robert Russo
Lesley Seymour
Claude Summers
Lois Sutton
Wendy Starnes
Russell Tauzin
Lawrence Theriot
Peter Tobias
Jansen Vanderveer
Leo Watermeier
Penny Weaver
Dawn Wilson
Friends: $5 - $50 Annually
As a former resident of NO, I know my soul still lives there and will forever. And I adore FQ stories, ambiance, and those who write about it. With love.
What a wonderful and interesting publication!
I am so here for this! Thank you!
Thank you for your coverage!
Readers’ Circle members, Friend Level
Connie Rice Adams
Martha Avegno
Lauren E. Ball
Peggy Baldwin
Rick Barnes
Danielle Bissett
Be Right Books
Gregory Boone
Chuck Bracht
Summers Claude
Tracy “Missy” Curran
Nel Ducomb
Theresa Ellison
Brenda Finnegan
Kat Fitzpatrick
George Fuller
Sandra Gamache
Jay Geneske
Loretta Gillespie
Lynda Gladney
Carol Goodwin
Katherine Gonzales
Janet Gross
Steve Halpern
Mary Heausler
Emily Hill
Robin Hill
John Holmes
Anastasia Lyman
Jan Katz
Linda Keenan
LLL Associates
J. Robert Layman
Randi Lee
Aphrodite McCarthy
Jeanne McGlory
Rose Mancini
Sharon Mowry
Cathy Nuss
Jonny Otterstrom
Atlee Phillips
Jeanetta and Tim Phinney
Jean Prescott
Teresa Rankin
Terri Ray
Hal Reed
Shawn Riley
Wynn Seeman
Mary Jo Slocum
Keaton Smith
Cory Sparks
Glen Spear
Stillwater Consulting
Dianne Sullivan
Angela Timberlake
Robert Turner
Scott Veazey
David Vesel
Anthony Viloria
John M. Williams
Raymond Woron

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Donate to join our Readers’ Circle.
Have a story idea? Are you a writer with a pitch? Email us.