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St. Joseph’s Day in the French Quarter
Every March 19th, the neighborhood once called “Little Palermo” celebrates the saint – that legend says ended a terrible famine – by creating elaborate altars, then sharing food, blessings and goodwill.
photos by Ellis Anderson

The 52nd Annual St. Joseph’s Day Parade
With a gigantic rolling St. Joseph’s Day altar, reigning beauties, local dancing clubs and groups of tuxedo-clad men exchanging paper carnations and garters for kisses, the Italian-American St. Joseph’s Day Society has delighted more than five decades of parade-goers.
- photos by Melanie Cole

Danny Barker Fest + St. Joseph’s Celebration
Folks attending the three-day Danny Barker Banjo & Guitar Festival at the Jazz Museum this year had the happy option of popping over to the adjacent French Market on Saturday for a St. Joseph’s Day Celebration.
- photos by Melanie Cole and Ellis Anderson

Famine to Feast
If you can't feast at a celebration this St. Joseph's Day, at least you can feast your eyes with a virtual visit to three different St. Joseph's altars in the Quarter.
-By Reda Wigle